Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mice and mayhem

Anyone that knows me knows that I am terrified of mice!! Those little rodents and me just don't mix well and I am deathly afraid of them! (still cant figure out why God made them but will wait to ask Him) So, yesterday I smelled something in Megs room, it was like a wet moldy towel which I knew to be the smell of a dead mouse! I had everyone search her room. Meg, Pooky, Corey and Adam and they found nothing. (I knew it was there but I could not bring myself to look just in case I actually found it, didn't matter that I knew in my head it was already dead I just couldn't do it) Well, they didn't find anything in that mess of a room of hers! (my whole house is cleaned because of my illness towards messy houses, but that is another story) Megs room is a disaster no matter how many times I clean it with the pretense of "redecorating". So, I have Sissy come after Church stuff to look, because if anyone will look really the way I would it would be Sissy. She didn't find anything either, unfortunately and the smell is still there! But, in the whole scene Meg starts freaking out on her and me because Sissy is making her move things to look behind and now Meg is throwing stuff out of the way just so she can say "see I told you nothing was there" I thought for a second Sissy was going to deck her but she held her patience and even offered to help Meg clean her room. Nope I don't need any help and basically get out! What a fun morning!! But at least I did my exercising to Mercyme sessions on GMC that I had taped so I was in a good mood when Meg had her fit as only a 15 year old could. (although, she acted more like she was 10) The smell is still there but I have bought enough decon to kill all the mice in the United States and I foamed every crack on the outside of my house so the little buggers cant get in! (how will I ever get all that overflow of yellow foam off so the house does not look so silly?) I have done my part and all without acting on the urge to smack Meg! I will leave the rest up to God to keep the little rodents out and put a smile on Megs face!


Jennifer said...

So many hard to write them all....I'll just say this - I Love you...