Saturday, October 4, 2008

Birthday season begins today..

Birthday season officially begins today with Brian's celebration. Then we wait two weeks and its Sissy's turn then we wait another two weeks and there is Megs and yep you guessed it another two weeks and its Pooky's! Somewhere in between meg and Pookys is Jackers! Oh be quiet Sissy and Pooky I know when my Grandsons birthday is... Its the 3rd! (I just looked in my book) lololol I crack myself up!! For those who do not know the whole story Sissy and Pooky (mostly Pooky) give me a lot of crap because once I forgot when Jacks birthday was, please, I am getting old and if Sissy didn't have soooo many children I would not have to challenge my memory so much! So really its all on Sissy! Anyway, off track again!!
So, birthday season is upon us and I will sit and try to figure out what to do for each that shows them all what they mean to me?? Maybe I should just give them all nice cards and save my money for my Florida trip? Of course my son in law is sooo easy to buy for, as he is so easy to please, that I am done with him already! The rest of them I think I will donate their gifts back to myself and use it for Florida! So now that I have come up with such a brilliant plan, I must say thank you to all my wonderful children, in advance of their birthdays and giving me my winter vacation in Florida! What great kids!!! (it may be my plan but their still great kids)


Jennifer said...

Yes, Yes I am a great fact...the best!!
If you need the money - Yes I will be willing to for go my gift and you can save it for your trip...just know that as you are eating your sandwich that Sun Country provides...I PAID for it! =)

Tammy said...

You so funny!!