Monday, October 27, 2008

Honesty still lives....

Yes, simple honesty still lives in this world! I went to the dollar store by my house to get a powerball ticket as I could not find the one I had purchased for last weekend. I went in and the nice young college boy who owns the store with his dad told me I had won. I said great how did I do that?? He said I had left my ticket there and that his Dad had told him to save it for me. He said he was bored and checked it and that I had won 100.00 dollars!! I said yeah right, very funny!! He said no, no you did I will show you and he ran the ticket and gave me my winnings!! My happiness was not from the 100.00 dollars but from the fact that he and his fathers honesty was so amazing in this troubled world! I asked him why he did not keep it for himself and he said that God was very good to him and that he did not need to take something from someone else!! HONESTY, does still live in this world and there is proof at the little dollar store where I live! (yes, I gave him 20.00) its not the money that makes me happy, it is the faith that this incident gives me, in the hope of this world!