Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hold fast....

Hold fast to what?? As you can tell by my title my day has not gone as I had planned! It sure seems like that is happening a lot these days. Not sure why? Is it the frustration of all these cancellations? Is it the shoulder injury that I now have to go get physical therapy for? Is it that my kids don't seem to appreciate me? (although, Sissy does and is always there to make me look like the queen of everything) Is it that I cant seem to get all these leaves raked and my neighbors lawns all look beautiful? Is it that I have to much time on my hands, to think? Is it that I am going to being 40 something soon and I don't want to get older? Maybe its because the sun refuses to shine?
I don't know, maybe it is a combination of all these things or maybe none of these things and I am just in a funk? I have not felt like this in a very long time and I don't like it now! I try to remember to just "hold fast" as help is truly on the way. But when will that be? I pray all these things will just miraculously go away for the holidays!! Oh well another day off tomorrow maybe I can get those leaves done?? I know.. Stop whining, as I have it so good and no one wants to read about sob stories!! lol At least the Vikings won to brighten my day!!
Here's a thought maybe Jude's will let me come to Florida sooner?? That would surely fix my mood!!!!!
FYI: Not 20 minutes after I wrote this Jude's called and put me back on track. (which only makes me want to go to Florida sooner) My whining is done and I should really delete this post but I think I will leave it to remind me?
BTW:Its really good to have a Mom!


Jennifer said...

I am glad that Judes could get you back on track! Nothing worse than a day off and being in a funk...=)

DeAnna said...

Sorry to hear about your funk...(wait a min. that don't sound to good. lol). Anyways glad Judy could help. Hope your feeling better.

I love you !!!

Tammy said...