Friday, November 14, 2008

God really is funny..

Yes, He is!! So, I whined yesterday about my client canceling on me and what happens today??? Well, my attorney calls to ask if I would be able to do a house for one of his clients and they would pay me my usual rate but that it would take about 20 hours to do!! First of all, ummmmm YES!! Although, he goes on to say that it is a house that the police have just finished with because it was a crime scene!! Yuck! My thought is I will go in there and there will be like a body taped out and a lot of other yucky stuff?? But oh well I asked God to take care of the cancellation problem and He did in a BIG way! (but always sure to show me that He has a sense of humor) So, no matter what the house has in it or what must be done, I asked for and received a "new client" . No matter how gross, disgusting or disturbing it may be! (I will just take Pooky along to hide behind)


DeAnna said...

wow he really does come through for us doesn't he, and with humor. lol

how was the road trip??

Tammy said...

Always humor nonny!