Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Toilet paper roll

Why is it that our children cant/wont replace the toilet paper when it is empty? They just leave it there, not even bothering to at least grab some more out of the closet to at least throw towards the toilet for whoever may be next?? I mean really? Is it that hard to do? Why do they just assume "mom" will take care of it? Further more if your job is to take out the recycling from the kitchen to the garage and empty it into the garbage can and that is your ONLY job around the house, why cant she seem to do it? Or mow the lawn? His only job! Which brings me to the question:
Have I spoiled my children into believing that they will always just get it handed to them whether or not they do anything to earn it? I mean they are pretty decent kids/young adults but, have I ruined them for the future spouse they marry or the society I dump them in? What happened between the 1st child (who is married with 3 kids and her only fault in life is she does not keep the cleanest house) and these last 2. Was it because #1 grew up poor without it all being handed to her and #2 and #3 have not?
Is being poor better teaching to our children?Actually, #1 was very lazy growing up too! So, to sum up my whine, I have 4 years left till they are all gone and I will fill my own toilet paper roll when needed!


KJ said...

first, I always make sure there is toilet paper in your house for whoever comes after me...so i am offended that you neglected to include that!

second, i don't think you necessarily spoiled them into believing in handouts. the majority of children, in my opinion (and myself included), think that mom will take care of it. Our moms can do anything, and everything they want. they take care of us--we are their children, and we take care of them by loving them in return. children are selfish that way, but that's the way the world works. of course our moms ask us to do things and we moan about it...and yes that does teach us responsibility and that we have to do things for ourselves...but sometimes i think the way my mom tells me to do things motivates me. for example, if my mom wanted me to do something, if she asked as follows, "kels, can you please switch the dryer for me when its done and then fold the clothes" i will think...uggghhh...but i will do it and get over it. however if she "asked" as follows, "kels, switch the dryer and fold the clothes when they are done. i always do it for you so you can do this one little thing for me" i am more likely to resent her...i would have rather done it if she asked me instead of told...adolescents/teenagers don't respond well to authority or ultimatims/when things are held against us and we didnt do anything wrong. so it could be in the way the children are presented with the task.

and i think that your children appreciate you more than you are aware...they may not show it by helping out around the house, but there are other ways that they show it/declare it.

so i guess my point is,
i refill the toilet paper!
ask and you shall receive, demand and you get excuses/resentment, and your children pretty much adore you (even though they do not always do as they are told...who ever does?).

Tammy said...

First, I actually thought about you when writing that as you do always put a new one on. Second, I see your point on the way one is asked, I have tried both ways and I think I got so tired of asking that I now just tell them cause either way they prob. wont do it!
Third, Can you give one example how they show love to me?? Fourth, what a great daughter in law I am going to have!!!!

Jennifer said...

I second what SIL said! - although I know that it may not pertain to me - because well I am wonderful...but all she says makes sense! =)

April said...

Hello!!! If I ask, They ask where it is!! Like I move it every week!!! It's easier to do it myself! Maybe someday!

Arnie said...

Hide the replacement rolls and make it an obvious issue to the culprit who does not care