Friday, September 12, 2008

Why is it?

Why is it that when you think you are ahead of the game, something comes up to remind you that you are NEVER ahead? Take car trouble for instance.. Why is it soooo darn expensive and WHY does it only happen when you think you are ahead? Is it God's way of reminding you that you didnt pray this morning, right when you woke up and ask for a hedge of protection on yourself, family and all your worldly belongings? Or is it just life and you need to deal with it? Ok, I guess asking for protection on your belongings is taking prayer in the wrong direction. But He is in every detail of our lives so why not on our belongings too? Actually, now that I am writing this it all seems silly. Then again I remember going to another state one year for a family trip(wont mention the state as I despise it, think green/gold, though) and my cars chain or belt or something was just about done. (of course didnt know that till we got to the destination) Found out it would cost 800.00, cried and then put the protection on the car and drove home 300 miles and that thing didnt break till we were in our driveway! Coincidence? I think NOT! So, I guess I just answered my own question. We should pray for God to take care of every little detail in our lives! Does not mean nothing will ever happen? No, just that there will be less for us to deal with and more for Him! (I suspect, that is the way He likes it)