Thursday, September 11, 2008

Children today

What is going on with children today? I have run into contact with one that I adore. He is sweet and lovable and I took him and 4 others to Higher ground music festival. (mercyme headlined with Casting crowns) Ok, so I went for me but what I got in return was a connection with a young boy who so desperatly wants a "normal family" You should have seen him at the Mercyme concert.. When he raised his hands to God during the music it was the most awesome thing!Their music brings people to Christ and it did so with him. I have grown to really love this boy, but, what comes next? He lives 30 minutes from me and I just want to pull him close and not let go! How does one share Christ and all that He has to offer this young man when his home life basically sucks?? Why do people think its ok for a young boy of 13 to be thrust into a home life with a live in boyfriend? How is that going to teach this young man really what life is about? I guess I need to just spend time with him (and my sister too, who lives next to him) and show him that there is life beyond his own door. That this is not what life is supposed to be for him and certainly not what Christ had in mind for him! For him to remember the time we had at higher ground and continue to build from that!! Yes, I am divorced (because I did not wait for the one that God had planned for me) But my kids are pretty darn good. Because I believe that I had a shot and I blew it by not waiting for God and now I am single going on 12 years and its ok!! I am happy and content with my life the way it is. I will continue to raise my kids the right way and wait for Christ's return. Heck my kids are doing pretty darn good! My daughter is married to a wonderful man and has 3 children and their marriage is Christ driven. Then I have a wonderful son who I adore and he is engaged to a beautiful young woman who I also adore! (they are both in college) That just leaves my meg home and I am trying to do all that I can to make sure she ends up the way her brother and sister are. That is all we can do as a parent. Trust God.. With dear sweet B.B. and he will take care of the rest. But must pray for all the children living in this mixed up world!!