Monday, February 23, 2009

Doctor results are in

Took the drama queen to the Doctor today to get all the results of all the tests to see if they could figure out why she had the Seizure. The CAT scan and the MRI were both normal however the EEG showed up abnormal. My heart sank and I wished I had not cheated and looked at the papers while Emily was busy taking Drama's blood pressure. (there is a reason they don't give you results without the Doctor) So after sitting there for what seemed like an eternity my wonderful Doctor comes in and and shares what I already knew. There are 2 parts of her brain that look to be what they call "seizure prone", great! I mean REALLY?? Like the girl does not have enough to deal with? How much can this girl really take? Has she not already dealt with enough in her young 15 years and now there is this. I feel so sad for her. I realize seizures are something people can just live with but, was it not John Travolta's son who went into the bathroom and had a seizure and died? That of course was the first thing in my head. My next thought was I had somehow done this to her? Were the choices I made when I was young, somehow to blame for her current situation? I don't know? I cant help but wonder though. Now it is really just a wait and see with her. If she has another in the next few months she will likely then go on medication. She can no longer take the baths she loves so much and was told she must get a full nights sleep and not skip meals, poor thing. She is not a child that does well with change. We leave it in the hands of God, may he continue to watch over her!


Jennifer said...

You cannot blame yourself for things you may or may not have done. We are where we are now and she (often enough)is a great girl that has a family that loves her and we will pray that this was a one time "reboot" and will not have to endure such a time again!

Love you & will continue to pray for healing and that she does not have another one!

Anonymous said...

That sucks (I know that's a huge understatement)!

I think you said it all at the end, though, that God Will take care of her. I'll pray for her.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to u both!! Anna: u need to blog- u have great writing skills! (based on yr last comment not this one) haha

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'll start a blog when I'm home with baby.
Until then Tim already thinks I waste too much time on the computer between my email, facebook and the blogs I read.