Monday, September 7, 2009

Raising a teenage girl... Complete failure

I found yesterday that I have completely failed at trying to raise a teenage girl! What did she do to make me see my inequities? Well, its to horrific for print. I will not even discuss it on the phone with anyone other than my other 3 kids or Mom. I will say this..... You can raise your children in Christ, you can give them all the advise in the world, you can threaten, plead and ground. However in the end they will do what they want and they will do it so that you dont even know it till they tell you months later! At this point I really truly wish that my child raising was done as I am obviously bad at it! (no question mark need there) I dont want to be a parent anymore! I have finally been beaten by a last teenager! Hey but I should get kudos for the other two though?? I really hope this does not continue to effect my sleep as it did last night, I still do need to work even though my life as a parent seems over? I also learned that trust is the most important issue in any relationship and with out it life really does suck with that person!


Jennifer said...

You totally succeeded with the other two!!! Well mainly me....=)