Friday, June 26, 2009

Me and my trainer

Yesterday I met with my new trainer. (go, me) I was so flippin nervous all day and as it was getting closer to the first meeting I was already starting to sweat and I had not even done one exercise yet! I was sure I was going to embarrass myself most of the meeting as I would not be able to do the stuff he wanted me to. With a heavy, but, determined heart I went to my appointment. It started with talking about what I wanted to see happen. HELLO??? look at me? I think it is easy to see I need to lose some serious weight! So, after calculating today's weight (horrified to admit it to him or anyone, I shared it with my BFFN yesterday) with my goal weight he determined that I could in fact be at my goal weight and in great shape for my 44th birthday. Exactly 6 months from now. That was exciting although I had hoped for the fall. (unrealistic I know) So, we begin with the testing and all that crap. It was not so bad then after running on the treadmill we head to the next thing and he leans on the elliptical machine, horrified, I started panicking thinking of the last time I tried the machine. I choked out in a hoarse whisper a "not that machine" when he laughed and said he was only turning on the TV for someone! PRAISE GOD and thank Him for always watching my back! The rest of the "tests" went by with great effort (that's putting it mildly) and I completed it all. I really like Scott, I do believe he is my new best friend?! I am now booked twice a week with him for the next 2 months. He swears soon I will be able to do 30 push ups with ease......HA!! We will see............


Jennifer said...

Oh how I wish I oculd do it with you!

Just think - 44 and new clothes! You are going to be one foxy mom!

Tammy said...

I just told danny I wanted to be a hot Grandma! lol (he laughed)

KJ said...

what does bffn mean again? best friend for now? ha ha ha

Tammy said...

yep! lol (she made that ref awhile back and of course I wont let it go! lol