Monday, October 19, 2009

The Minnesota Vikings

Anyone that really knows me, knows that I love my Minnesota Vikings and have for over 30 years. Ever since my brother got me hooked in middle school, he taught me everything about it and to this day I have a great passion for them. Not all football mind you only the Vikings! So for 30 + years I have screamed and cried at the tv during each game and laughed and threw my hands up in disgust at the off field antics of some of the players. But still remained faithful to the team. The last actual cry was the last game of the 1999 season and I wont even go into it but lets just say I was so disappointed that I had to leave the room so as not to embarrass myself with the big tears running down my face at yet another disappointment by my beloved team. FAST FORWARD to 2009, the year that stupid state of Wisconsin gave up the best quarterback to have ever played! Side note: because the ex hails from Wisc. although I always detested them now I also find them dumb!! Anyway, we get this awesome new owner in Zigi (dont get me started on the guys name)He is awesome! He loves Minnesota and the Vikings and has NEVER once threatened to "move" the team. He dishes out money where needed (jared allen)! He has allowed us to build an awesome team. That really seems to respect each other and themselves therefor no more drama off the field!!! And now here we are at 6 and 0, we have Brett "the silver fox" Favre to lead what looks to be a team that we in Minnesota have never seen before. One of talent, charm, drive and the passion for football a team needs to go all the way. Thank you my Minnesota Vikings, it was worth the wait for what I am seeing now!!! Now if I could just get "Dad" to get as excited for football as I am??????